Making the most of your membership – Login now!


Making the most of your membership – Login now!

Here at SPRA HQ we are always trying to make life easier for members. Did you know that, as a SPRA member, if SPRA you login to the SPRA website before reading this newsletter, and then click any links in Members Only news items, you will be sent straight to the article rather than to the login page? Of course, if you forget, you will be sent to the login page anyway, and once logged in, you could then click the newsletter link again, rather than trying to search for the page yourself on the website.


Also – please note that all articles in every SPRA Weekly News are kept in the NEWS area, so you should always be able to find them. You can also search news items by category. Of course, there is a large amount of other Member-Only information contained in this part of the website. All SPRA member company employees can have access to the SPRA Member Area, but each person needs to set up their own login. It’s easy, and as my mother used to say; “do it now while I think about it!!” 😊 Once logged in, you stay logged in until you close the website.


Source: Cathie Clarke, SPRA CEO