Fixing Point Ltd
Biographical Info Fixing Point supplies UK and international construction clients with fasteners and components for roofing and cladding. Powered by knowledge, innovation, and customer service, we’re making our mark on building projects everywhere. We’d like to say that traces of Fixing Point can be seen in buildings all over the world. They can’t. That’s the point. Our products are designed to blend into their surroundings. Because, let’s face it, screws shouldn’t steal the show. But as discreet as Fixing Point products are, they’re holding together exhibition centres, retail and leisure complexes, rail networks, schools, hospitals, and prisons in the UK, as well as in places like Hong Kong and the Middle East. And because we’re always innovating, we’re ready to meet the changing demands of this fast-paced, global market.
Email Address
Level Associate
Start Date 09/08/2024
Company Fixing Point Ltd
Telephone 01242 265100