CPA meet DExEU and BEIS for talks on opportunities presented by the UK leaving the EU.


CPA meet DExEU and BEIS for talks on opportunities presented by the UK leaving the EU.

CPA meet DExEU and BEIS for talks on opportunities presented by the UK leaving the EU.

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CPA Chief Executive Dr Diana Montgomery was invited to join a meeting chaired by DExEU Minister David Jones with the BEIS Minister for Industry and Energy, Jesse Norman and chief executives from the supply chain to discuss the opportunities presented by the UK leaving the EU.

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Issues covered were around delivery, investment, skills and the contracting procurement process. David Jones was keen to understand what impact Brexit might have on the delivery of the National Infrastructure Plan and how immigration controls and trade deals might impact supply of labour or resources. The Minister encouraged all meeting participants to write to him with real examples of opportunities and risks – CPA will be pulling together suitable input in the new year. Login to SPRA members page to read more in CPA Weekly News.