Industry Response Group news and early notice of CPA Autumn Workshop Event


Industry Response Group news and early notice of CPA Autumn Workshop Event

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Industry Response Group news and early notice of CPA Autumn Workshop Event

The follow-up from the Grenfell fire continues to move quickly and cover a wide range of topics. In response, the DCLG has instigated weekly meetings to liaise with the Industry Response Group (IRG) consisting of the CPA, Build UK and CIC. To feed in to the IRG, the CPA, as many will be aware, has set up an expert panel chaired by Wilf Butcher. Details of representatives on the expert panel can be found here.


With many areas to progress and a tight timetable, this expert panel has been kept to a small number of people, consisting of a broad spread of representative’s expert in their fields.


However, this panel cannot be representative of every area or every community, and we ask that members with submissions and points to make, feed them through one of the members of the expert panel. The panel has also been asked to feed out information to their relevant constituencies. All submissions and views are valuable and will be addressed and used at the right moment. (Please note, Cathie Clarke CEO is the nominated contact for SPRA members)


The prime focus of the IRG at present is to answer the questions posed by Ministers and the DCLG. The quantity of advice from industry has been considerable and will be invaluable as the work progresses.


The work at present centres around identification of the problems that exist with the current tall building stock. Once this has been defined, and the various situations that exist understood, the focus will turn more towards seeking solutions, followed by detailed supply chain engagement.


We also see the need for a member’s workshop in the Autumn to allow everyone to table their perspectives, details of this workshop will be shared in the CPA Weekly Notes nearer the time.


Source: CPA