IRG Industry Partners Event – London


IRG Industry Partners Event – London

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IRG Industry Partners Event – London



CPA would like to invite members to a joint industry event on Thursday 19 July 2018 with the partners of the Industry Response Group (BuildUK, CIC and CPA) to discuss how ‘The Independent Review of the Building Regulations and Fire Safety: Final Report’ has set the stage for future challenges and priorities. The event will feature presentations from Dame Judith Hackitt, Sir Ken Knight and others; and additional time for networking will be allotted with food and drink provided. The agenda will be available beforehand. This event will operate under Chatham House Rules. Places are strictly by invitation only and we request that you let us know by Thursday 5 July if you are able to attend.

Please RSVP stating that you are a SPRA member, at your earliest convenience to Hanna Clarke, Project Coordinator & EA to DCEO,


Source: CPA