CPA comment on Election Result


CPA comment on Election Result

CPA comment on Election Result

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The CPA’s Chief Executive, Dr Diana Montgomery, commented:

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“From a business perspective, this is frustrating. We need certainty and clarity in order to address the serious challenges and opportunities facing UK construction over the next few years. First and foremost of which is the prompt delivery of the government’s National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline, which if delivered we believe will attract investment in UK based manufacturing. Government also has a leadership role in fixing its own procurement by using its ‘balanced scorecard’ approach to procure best value for government projects and using policy levers to address skills and housing shortages and the costs of energy and business rates to business. It’s still early days and we will, of course, be ready to work with the new government and help find solutions, but I fear we’re now facing a period of greater instability at a critical time for our industry.”

The CPA will be providing members updated information about the new parliament and new government via our General Election 2017 toolkit, including contact information for the new MPs as it comes available

Source: CPA