A very Happy New Year to all our readers!
Due to the holidays, it is a curtailed Weekly News this week with most industry news sources only beginning to get back to work. We’d like to draw your attention to some key SPRA issues and events for 2022.
In the coming weeks be opening for new applications for the SPRA Awards. Details will be finalised during January but we ask all our members to look out for any announcements in the Weekly News concerning this year’s event, which we are planning for in mid-June. Restrictions permitting, we will also resume our SPRA Golf Day in September which we are sure will be a fantastic event for members and guests. Again, read the Weekly News for further information in the coming weeks.
This year may well continue to be a challenging one for all but we sincerely hope to get together and engage with our members through a series of high profile live as well as online events. We will also continue to deliver a very active online programme of workshops, seminars, and webinars throughout 2022. These will be targeted for all our members to provide them with the most up to date information and engage with them on important industry issues.
We wish you a very prosperous New Year.
The SPRA Team
View the SPRA Weekly Update here: https://mailchi.mp/705119bb2efc/spra-weekly-update-vol10-no01
or articles can be viewed individually or filtered by visiting the SPRA News page www.spra.co.uk/news