Further to a request and proposal put forward by the SPRA Exec, SPRA will be able to provide an additional SAP course for eligible contractors to receive assisted funding from CITB. It is our intention to begin a new SAP 13 in March next year in northern area of UK with a target completion date 18 months later. There will be 6 available trainee positions. SPRA contractors get an application in now for this single ply training opportunity for your employee.
Benefits of a SPRA SAP in Single Ply Roofing include:
- Leads to a national qualification – Level 2 VQ ‘Applied Waterproof Membranes -Single Ply Roofing
- SPRA specialist trainer with small groups
- Short bursts of off-site training (5 x one week at training centre) spread over 18 months
- Funding for CITB registered companies
- Relevant health and safety information covered
- Access to a blue Skilled Worker CSCS card
- A sound basis for a safe and successful career in single ply roofing.
If you, or someone you know would benefit from SAP training, please get in touch by emailing training@spra.co.uk or call 0845 1547188.
Source: SPRA
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